Windsworn: Gryphon Riders Book One (Gryphon Riders Trilogy 1) Read online

Page 22

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” Eva said. “People don’t expect a hero to trip on their own scabbard or forget the words or —”

  “Eva,” Sigrid said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “You’re going to be fine. This is a lot easier than fighting a golem!”

  At the moment, Eva thought she’d take her chances with the golem, but she put on a brave face anyway. Together, she and Fury followed Sigrid out of the barracks, toward the upper levels. Halfway there, Tahl stood waiting for them a junction in the hallway. He looked like he’d stepped right out of a Windsworn tapestry in his polished silver breastplate and royal-blue cape.

  “You look…” His eyes were glued on Eva, but Sigrid gave a sharp cough and Wynn folded her arms, frowning. “You all look stunning,” Tahl finished.

  “Right, right,” Sigrid said, jostling between Tahl and Eva with Wynn close behind. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  Together, the four of them climbed the stairs past the Roost, to Eleanor’s Landing, the open peak of the mountain. Outside, the sun shone down on a clear, crisp day. Eva swallowed at the rows of Windsworn standing at attention. A long row of guards in polished silver armor and wing helmets formed a tunnel all the way to the lord commander and the rest of the Council. When they saw Fury and the four people step into the sunlight, a rousing cheer when up.

  Wynn looked at Eva, a big grin splitting her face. “Told you it wouldn’t be bad.”

  Eva allowed herself a small smile, and they passed between the lines of armored Windsworn, who pulled back their spears as she went by. Looking every bit royalty in their gold and silver armor, Adelar and Andor watched them approach. To their left, Soot stuck out like a sore thumb in his plains clothes, sun shining off his bald pate. Even so, his presence reassured Eva, and she felt a small smile tugging on her face.

  A strange feeling crossed her as she realized her entire family, both old and new, were gathered here. Although she’d promised herself to learn to forgive, Eva wasn’t sure what to think of her two uncles, or how to act around them. At least now, in an official capacity, it was easy just to be a recruit to the lord commander and a subject to the king.

  The four of them approached the raised stone area where the lord commander, Soot, the king, and the Council stood and stopped, bringing their fists to their chests in salute. Both Andor and Adelar returned the gesture, and then the king held up a hand to silence the cheering.

  “Throughout our history, the Windsworn have been our mightiest champions — the brave defenders of Rhylance. Men, women, and gryphons whose courage and skill at arms keep our people safe,” the king began. “The four before you today exemplify these qualities, and we honor them for their courage in facing our enemies and safeguarding peace. Step forward.”

  Eva felt her mouth go dry and her knees weaken as she stepped onto the raised stone area and sank to one knee, head bowed. A moment later, she felt Andor slip a medal around her neck, and her heart leaped. Glancing sideways, she saw him kneel down and place one around Fury’s neck as well, the gryphon’s head held high and proud.

  “Arise,” the king said. The four of them stood, and everyone but Eva and Fury took a step back. “Rhylance owes you a great debt for your service. As long as our people walk the earth and our gryphons soar in the skies, your deeds will not be forgotten.”

  The crowd burst out in a roaring cheer for several moments until the king and the lord commander raised their hands again.

  “But we have one more order of business this day,” Andor said, his voice carrying across the open rock. “One among these four who has proved herself worthy to be called Windsworn.”

  Eva swallowed and felt her chest tighten. She glanced to the Council and saw them, the same men and women who had voted against her, nodding in approval. Even Uthred, catching her in his stony gaze, gave Eva a curt nod of approval. On the other side of the king and lord commander, even old Lord Vyr had joined the congregation, cackling and clapping, his remaining strands of white hair blowing wild in the breeze.

  Eva looked between Andor and Adelar. The king smiled, an expression that looked unfamiliar and forced, but warm nonetheless. Even if she couldn’t completely forgive them, she knew she couldn’t hate these men, wouldn’t change who she was if she could.

  The lord commander drew his sword and touched it to Eva’s shoulder, then Fury’s. “I am the sword in the sky,” he said.

  “I am the shield in the storm,” Eva replied.

  “On the wings of gryphons I fly.”

  Eva took a deep breath.

  “And to the wind I am sworn.”

  Want to know what happened before Windsworn?

  Thanks so much for reading Windsworn. The journey has just begun and I can’t wait for you to read the next two books in the trilogy: Windswept and Windbreak! Before you get started on them, however, don’t you want an exclusive short story about Eva’s father? You can ONLY get this through joining my mailing list. I never send more than two emails per month, and they’re always filled with other reading recommendations, special deals, sneak peeks and more!

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  When you sign up for my mailing list, you’ll also receive Out of Exile, the first book in the Teutevar Saga series and two exclusive Teutevar Saga origin stories.

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  Also by the author

  Gryphon Riders Trilogy

  Windsworn (Gryphon Riders Book 1)

  Windswept (Gryphon Riders Book 2) - Coming August 2017

  Windbreak (Gryphon Riders Book 3) - Coming September 2017

  Teutevar Saga

  Into Exile (Teutevar Saga Book 0)

  Out of Exile (Teutevar Saga Book 1)

  Return to Shadow (Teutevar Saga Book 2)

  Other works

  Lone Wolf Anthology: A dark and heroic fantasy collection

  Swords for Hire: A Frontier Fantasy and Medieval Western Story Anthology

  Valiant (short story)

  Author Bio: Derek Alan Siddoway

  Derek Alan Siddoway is the author of Teutevar Saga, a medieval western/frontier fantasy series, and Gryphon Riders, a young adult fantasy trilogy. He was born and raised in the American West at the foot of the Uinta Mountains. An Undaunted and Everyday Author, Derek spends his free time reading, obsessively filling notebooks, adventuring outdoors and celebrating small victories. He's also a sucker for Star Wars and football, namely the University of Utah and Minnesota Vikings.

  For more shenanigans, find Derek online in the following places:

  @D_Sidd (Twitter)

  Teutevar Saga (Facebook)